ActionMartial ArtsShounen
The story follows Yuuta Sakura, a third-year middle school student who boasts about his "invincible strength" in arcade fighting games. At the game center he meets another boy, Takemichi Umesaki, and then gets entangled with a group of delinquents. A swordsman, Azuya Momoyama, happens to pass by. The delinquents are defeated by a strange weapon and a strange fighting style. Yuuta is inspired and, along with Takemichi, begins to learn about weapons (Source: ANN)
Lose a game of jan-ken-pon and you have to confess to the guy you love?! From that game on starts the pain, smiles, and tears of confession in this omnibus serious! Besides, 4 years about Furukawa Shiori’s feature book was released, these 2 volumes of this title have been printed! (Source: CoyoMoose)
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