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The Knitting Club

Coconut Comics

4.2k 49.1k

Eriza just wants a peaceful high school life, so when her school starts requiring every student to participate in some sort of club activity, she devises a plan to start a club she thinks no one will join. The knitting club! Expecting calm and quiet days ahead knitting alone in peace, she’s shocked when an unexpected member joins her club. Welcome to the knitting club!

Eriza just wants a peaceful high school life, so when her school starts requiring every student to participate in some sort of club activity, she devises a plan to start a club she thinks no one will join. The knitting club! Expecting calm and quiet days ahead knitting alone in peace, she’s shocked when an unexpected member joins her club. Welcome to the knitting club!

Chapters up to Ch. 8 Ongoing, 1 up/month(IDK)

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