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Hallow Hearts


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After Lin Chu lost his love and his job, he went to a bar to wash down the pain with drinks. Zi Ming, who had an impure motivation, saved Lin Chu from a dispute and brought him home. Drunk Lin Chu rejected Zi Ming's request to have a one-night stand and forgot everything happened the next day. Later on, inspired by how Zi Ming managed everything and his attitude at work, Lin Chu decided to put himself together and prove himself. This is when their relationship began to change...

After Lin Chu lost his love and his job, he went to a bar to wash down the pain with drinks. Zi Ming, who had an impure motivation, saved Lin Chu from a dispute and brought him home. Drunk Lin Chu rejected Zi Ming's request to have a one-night stand and forgot everything happened the next day. Later on, inspired by how Zi Ming managed everything and his attitude at work, Lin Chu decided to put himself together and prove himself. This is when their relationship began to change...

Chapters up to Ch. 100 Ongoing, IDK(IDK)

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